
By KatesGardenPDX

The Canon Macro Lens

What a gorgeous day today! I unearthed the macro lens for my Canon and played with it for quite a while this morning. It clearly takes better shots, with a much greater depth of field, and of course the flexibility to manipulate fstops, shutter speed and ISO are useful. The iPhone lens has some of that capability. I can see uses for both. 

The main is a clematis taken with my Canon and macro lens. In the extras there is a clematis taken with the iPhone/Moment lens - you can clearly see the DOF difference. And just a couple of other Canon shots...love that bokeh!

My 50th high school reunion was today...unfortunately in Massachusetts. I just couldn't swing the flight, balancing with my teaching. But the organizer invited those of us who couldn't attend to join a Google Meet meeting, which worked really well. Various people came to visit, ie, picked up her phone to say hi. I can't imagine how they could actually see us on her phone, but it was nice to see them! How time flies.....

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