
By tridral

Codi arian ar gyfer achosion da

Codi arian ar gyfer achosion da  ~ Raising money for good causes

“I should dearly love that the world should be ever so little better for my presence. Even on this small stage we have our two sides, and something might be done by throwing all one's weight on the scale of breadth, tolerance, charity, temperance, peace, and kindliness to man and beast. We can't all strike very big blows, and even the little ones count for something.”
― Arthur Conan Doyle

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Aethon ni i Ŵyl yr Eglwys Newydd ar y comin heddiw. Roedd Nor'dzin yn gweithio ar y stondin Sefydliad y Merched. Roedd llawer o lawer o stondinau yno, llawer sy'n gwerthu hen bethau ar gyfer achosion da. Roedd bwyd da hefyd, Cawson ni ein cinio o'r stondin 'bwyd Caribïaidd' ac roedd e'n dda iawn. Roedd Arena yng nghanol y comin ac roedd perfformiadau o ddawns, tai chi, band pres ayyb. Roedd hefyd canwraig oedd yn canu i drac cefndir. Felly ddim yn hollol cerddoriaeth fyw, ond roedd llais da gyda hi.

Roedd castell neidio i'r plant ac ar y pen arall y sbectrwm, cwpl o gartrefi angladd yn hysbysebu eu gwasanaethau. Ymwelon ni â stondin ceiropractydd i weld beth roedden nhw allu wneud, a nawr mae gyda ni apwyntiadau gyda nhw. Bydd e'n ddiddorol i weld sy'n digwydd yna.

Roedd awyrgylch da a'r tywydd yn braf - roedden ni'n lwcus

Fel erioed, roedd gen i ddiddordeb yn y newidiadau o amseroedd a lleoedd. Roedd yr Ŵyl dim ond un dydd, dim Gŵyl ddoe, dim Gŵyl yfory. Roedd yr Ŵyl wedi marcio ei lle ar y comin. Gŵyl o fewn, dim Gŵyl tu allan. Hyd yn oed yn yr Ŵyl roedd lleoedd newid, yn arbennig yr arena perfformiad. Daeth pobl a mynd. Weithiau roedd yr arena yn wag, ond roedd pobl yn dal i barchu'r lle, yn cerdded o gwmpas nid ar draws. Yfory bydd popeth wedi mynd. Bydd yr ŵyl wedi anweddu i'r gofod, a bydd pobl yn cerdded trwy'r mannau heb eu marcio eto.

Ar ddiwedd yr Ŵyl gwnaethon ni yn helpu i glirio ardal y stondin, yn cario byrddau yn ôl i'r Eglwys, cyn cerdded, a seiclo adre.

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We went to the Whitchurch Festival on the common today. Nor'dzin was working on the Women's Institute stand. There were many, many stalls there, many selling old things for good causes. There was also good food, We had our lunch from the 'Caribbean food' stall and it was very good. There was an Arena in the middle of the common and there were performances of dance, tai chi, brass band etc. There was also a singer who sang to a background track. So not quite live music, but she had a good voice.

There was a bouncy castle for the children and at the other end of the spectrum, a couple of funeral homes advertised their services. We visited a chiropractor's stand to see what they could do, and now we have appointments with them. It will be interesting to see what happens there.

There was a good atmosphere and the weather was nice - we were lucky

As always, I was interested in the changes of times and places. The Festival was only one day, no Festival yesterday, no Festival tomorrow. The Festival had marked its place on the common. Festival within, no Festival outside. Even at the Festival there were changing places, especially the performance arena. People came and went. Sometimes the arena was empty, but people still respected the place, walking around not across. Tomorrow everything will be gone. The festival will have evaporated into space, and people will be walking through the unmarked spaces again.

At the end of the Festival we helped to clear the stall area, carrying tables back to the Church, before walking and cycling home.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Stondin Sefydliad y Merched, Comin Eglwys Newydd
Description (English): Women's Institute Stand, Whitchurch Common

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