
By tridral

Deunaw naw deg

Deunaw naw deg  ~ Eighteen ninety

“Photographing a culture in the here and now often means photographing the intersection of the present with the past.”
― David duChemin, (Within the Frame: The Journey of Photographic Vision)

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Ar y ffordd i'r pentref mae tŷ ar gornel gyda '1890' yn y gwaith brics. Dydw i ddim yn meddwl ein bod ni'n gwneud hyn y dyddiau hyn - rhoi'r flwyddyn yn y wal pan rydyn ni'n adeiladu tai. Tybed beth mae'r tŷ diweddara gyda blwyddyn yn y wal?

Mae dyddiadau yn ddiddorol. Ar y capel Methodistaidd Calfinaidd yn y pentref mae dyddiad yn 1866. Felly cafodd e ei adeiladu pedair ar hugain o flynyddoedd cyn cafodd y tai eu hadeiladu. Dydw i ddim yn dychmygu beth sut olwg oedd ar yr ardal bryd hynny. Dim tai a llawer o dir fferm, efallai. Ond dim 'Street View' i gadarnhau fy amheuon.

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On the way to the village there is a house on a corner with '1890' in the brickwork. I don't think we do this these days - put the year in the wall when we build houses. I wonder what the latest house is with a year in the wall?

Dates are interesting. On the Calvinist Methodist chapel in the village there is a date of 1866. So it was built twenty four years before the houses were built. I can't imagine what the area looked like back then. No houses and lots of farmland, maybe. But no 'Street View' to confirm my suspicions.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Tŷ yn yr Eglwys Newydd gyda'r dyddiad Deunaw Nawdeg
Description (English): A house in Whitchurch with the date Eighteen Ninety

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