Bron diwedd mis o waith coed

Bron diwedd mis o waith coed ~ Almost the end of a month of tree work

“When the words come, they are merely empty shells without the music. They live as they are sung, for the words are the body and the music the spirit.”
― Hildegard von Bingen

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Roedd troi'r llif trydanol i wneud y rhan fwyaf o'r gwaith heddiw. Mae'n rhedeg o fatri, mae'n eithaf ysgafn ac wrth gwrs cludadwy. Treuliais i'r prynhawn yn torri'r yr olaf o'r pren yn barod ar gyfer pentyrru. Maen braf cyrraedd diwedd y darn o waith 'na - er i ni dal yn cael llawer o sbarion i lenwi'r bin gwyrdd bob pythefnos am fisoedd.

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It was the turn of the electric saw to do most of the work today. It runs from a battery, is quite light and of course portable. I spent the afternoon cutting the last of the wood ready for stacking. It's nice to get to the end of that piece of work - although we still have a lot of scraps to fill the green bin every fortnight for months.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Llif, loppers, ffyn
Description (English): Saw, loppers, sticks

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