
By tridral

Draeniad dirgel

Draeniad dirgel  ~ Mysterious drainage

“We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars”
― Oscar Wilde

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Rydyn ni'n gosod sinc yng nghegin Daniel. Tan nawr mae e wedi bod yn defnyddio'r sinc yn y scullery ac roedden ni'n meddwl dylai fe'n cael sinc ei hun - hefyd rydyn ni eisiau defnyddio'r scullery ar gyfer gwaith brwnt. Felly heddiw roedden ni'n arbrofi'r draeniau.

Mae'r newyddion da - mae'r draeniau yng nghegin Daniel yn gweithio. mae'r newyddion rhyfedd - dydyn ni ddim yn ffeindio ble mae'r dŵr yn mynd. Gwnaethom godi'r clawr archwilio ac anfon dŵr i lawr y draen. Diflannodd y dŵr i lawr y draen, ond ni welon mohono byth eto.

Bydd rhaid i ni ofyn at y plymiwr os maen nhw'n gallu ffeindio beth sy'n digwydd.

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We are putting  a sink in Daniel's kitchen. Until now he has been using the sink in the scullery and we thought he should have his own sink - also we want to use the scullery for dirty work. So today we were testing the drains.

The good news is - the drains in Daniel's kitchen are working. the strange news is - we can't find where the water is going. We lifted the inspection cover and sent water down the drain. The water disappeared down the drain, but he was never seen again.

We will have to ask the plumber if they can find what is going on.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Lle mae draeniau'n cwrdd
Description (English): Where drains meet

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