An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Birthday Girls!

Today Anna turned 10 and Faith turned 6 and it's been a joy to spend their birthday with them.

Faith and Anna were up at 5.30am ready to start celebrating their special day but they got short shrift from their mum and sent back to bed till 8.30am! lol

Gifts opened they headed out into the garden as Faith's main present was a scooter.  It goes very fast!

Before lunch the girls went for a swim with their dad while D made sandwiches for us all and I started the party food prep.

Thankfully the sun shone (for most of the time) and we all headed into the garden in the afternoon to await the arrival of Esme (and her mum and aunt Jen)  Esme and Faith haven't seen each other since October and both were a little shy at first but soon got over that.  I was so glad we were outside as they are a pair of pocket rockets and at least they could run off some of that energy in the garden.

Races, hide n seek, quoits,  jenga and outdoor darts...well D & L played the latter and took it quite seriously while we laughed at them.

We stayed outside till the temperature dropped but happily that coincided with the buffet being ready.

After food they played a few games of Gooey Louey, the most disgusting game where you pull gooeys (rubber snot) from the head of Louey and whoever makes his brain explode looses.  Alan loved it at their age and I thought they would too, and they did.  Unfortunately Lola kept running off with the rubber gooeys! hahahahaha!

Then it was time to cut the cake and sing Happy Birthday :-)

Musical statues followed then Faith and Esme made up their own games for a while (which were very loud) They've always played as a threesome in the past but Anna has reached the age now where she's just a little too mature for five and six year old's play, so she concentrated on making beaded bracelets with Taylor Swift messages and spending time with the grown ups.

As the time came closer for Esme to go home, she and Faith disappeared and returned with their pyjamas on.  As you can see from the pic in extras, their energy levels were waning by this point...NOT!  Oh jeez, I wish I had an ounce of their energy :D 

Finally Esme, Nikki and Jen headed off.  We will see Esme again later in the week when Ele will bring her up, but realised as they were leaving that I wouldn't see Nikki and Jen again until the night before Andrew and Nikki's wedding! 

Final cuppa before bed and the grown ups are enjoying the quiet after a day of listening to Taylor Swift!  

P.S. Pic in extra of Alan at last night's Busted concert in Stirling. He had a ball!  :-))

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