An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

The David Fan Club has reconvened...

What a hectic day!

Carole arrived at 9.30am to trim Lola, at the same time as the lift engineer arrived to service the lift.  Carole, D and I had a cuppa while D tried to contact the wheelchair place to see if they could look at my wheelchair and hopefully fix it.  Every time he phoned it was an answer machine.  They called him back just before 10am saying to take the wheelchair to them so he set off for Edinburgh.

Once the lift engineer had gone Carole took Lola to the hall gave her a long overdue trim.  What a difference!  All neat and tidy, especially her paws,  which were just a fluffy mass! 

I had a bacon roll ready for Carole finishing with Lola and we enjoyed that with a cuppa while we had a lovely catch up.  

We were just finishing our third cuppa (!) when the new tumble driver arrived. The delivery men were lovely and very chatty and made a huge fuss of Lola, who enjoyed the attention.  They even gave her a stuffed toy!  

David messaged from the wheelchair place in Edinburgh to say a new bolt had been fitted to my chair and he was about to head home. Yay!  Panic over.  I won't have to  be chair-less for Anna and Faith's birthday party tomorrow!

Carole and I were still putting the world to rights when D returned so we moved onto coffee and continued to put the world to rights.

Once Carole had gone D took Lola for a walk and I took the chance to put my feet up and crochet and enjoy the peace before our Skye friends arrived.

Peace was shattered when the gang arrived just before 6pm :-))

We've had a lovely evening with them and Lola is delighted to be reunited with her wee pal Lily :-))  Anna sang the song that won her a gold award at The Mod earlier this month and Faith sang her class song, then they sang a song together, their voices bending perfectly.  All in Gaelic but we didn't have to understand the words to get the sentiment of the lilting tune.  Massive lump in throat time.  And of course they have showered David with  love, cuddles, jokes, teasing and laugher.  They adore him.  Even when he told them he'd cancelled their party because he wants to watch the golf!  Hahahahaahaha!  They were even willing to forgive him that!  Faith has commandeered him though. Pics in extras. 

Dinner was enjoyed then we've watched some of Glastonbury and had a bit of a giggle at some of the acts, a true sign we're getting old. The girls seem to know every song and they have some great dance moves, but they've gone to bed now full of excitement about their birthday party tomorrow. 

Need to help S get their presents wrapped then bed for us to. Much fun to be had tomorrow! 

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