
By BGCoffee

The Mighty Loire

It is difficult to describe just how huge this river is. Somewhere back in the Massif Centrale and in many thousands of places in between, the water funnels its way into a growing torrent of water that flows hundreds of meters wide past our camping spot.

Our sojourn here continues to be restful and enjoyable. The walk into Montsoreau - literally no more than 5 mins on foot has us visiting the first excellent boulangerie for breakfast treats and then sitting at the café next door to drink café au lait. The heat was a little less intense today but after lunch we enjoyed the pool on site again before venturing once more to our restaurant for the evening Ver Vert just round the corner from the morning’s café. The meal was outstanding, especially the mushroom tart starter that we all had - possibly the best mushroom starter I have ever eaten with textures and tastes that were exquisite. Now enjoying the sunset and winding down for what will hopefully be a good nights sleep for everyone.

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