Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

Shame About The Haar

A bit foggy this morning.
This was the view from the disabled parking area at Jupiter Artland.
We had to park there because somebody hadn't unlocked and removed the metal bollard on the road up to the cafe.
That meant a rather ungainly and awkward walk up carrying the bokes of sponge cakes, scones and cupcakes up there.
I have no idea what the van driver who delivers all the fruit, veg, meat etc thought of it.
We were so glad it wasn't raining.

SWMBO had an hour long consultation with a dietitian this morning ... all to do with losing weight and ensure she doesn't develop diabetes again.
I spent the time at the lathe trying to make a decent whistle ..... I am definitely out of practice at that. I eventually managed to make two that actually work efficiently. I now want to try and figure out how to make a 'pea' whistle on the lathe.
My weird shaped very shallow dish (being) made from the last slice of Japanese Pine is coming along. I have more or less finished the turning, but the sanding is going to be a swine.

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