Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

Getting Down With The Kids

3 hours of my life I will never get back this morning.
One of the smoke detectors has been making the occasional 'chirp' (official description) but we couldn't work out which one. It then stopped for a day or two and started up again yesterday.
This morning we followed instructions on resetting them to no avail.
So we phoned the manufacturer and were pointed in the direction of a different video. It was going to take some time to put them back to factory settings and then go through the resetting and remounting them so I told the bloke I would call back if there was a problem.
They are still not playing and my mood was not in the setting to phone back - that is for tomorrow.

Squirrel took a couple of whistles I made for the PE teacher into the school as a gift (she took over a couple of years ago and is obviously universally loved by the pupils). We had had a chat with her on Wednesday and were also very impressed with her.
Apparently when she opened the package she burst into tears. Not the reaction I would have expected from a woman of her age and experience - but nice in a strange way.

Pictures taken today were of wet flowers (none of that hot, sunny weather they have been going on about here) and the young cat.
They are over here.

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