
By CleanSteve

A small brown cricket-ty thingy

I noticed this tiny insect as I went down to the patio to refill the sunflower seeds in the bird feeder. As I climbed the steps I realised that it was a Tiny Tuesday challenge day and I hadn't taken any photos at all. So I found my macro lens, joined it to the big camera and returned to the half light as the sunset was concluding.

I've no idea what it is but I don't recall having seen such a small cricket, if that is what it is, in our garden. It can't be more than half an inch in length. I was surprised it didn’t have wings so it may well be immature, and its legs not ready to spring its body away to safety. As I moved the lens closer it became slightly agitated and shuffled off and descended underneath this plastic garden shelf I use for keeping small pot plants on.

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