
By CleanSteve

A young squirrel eating newly formed Rowan berries

From my desk I saw the leaves on the branches of the Rowan tree swaying in the breeze near my study window. I looked out more closely and saw two squirrels climbing up to the tops of the branches and picked up my camera from my desk.

I don't really like squirrels' presence as they are very destructive to trees and shrubs as well as scaring off small birds, whilst probably raiding their nests. However I did think this squirrel looked rather photogenic and it watched me looking through the lens at home for quite a while. Eventually it decided to try to eat the young berries that have recently formed, and seemed to like them even though they aren't ripe. Before too long it climbed straight down the tree trunk until it could leap across to the adjacent elder, whose blossom is looking lovely at the moment.

This view is looking out of my study window to the right with the Rodborough Common hilltop on the far horizon across the Golden Valley.

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