
By suehutton

Hay Meadow in Motion

We went to Patching's Arts Centre just north of Nottingham to support their National Gardens Scheme day when the Artists' trails are open to the public for a donation to the NGS. I was very pleased that Len seemed to enjoy the outing although he found driving there arduous. We came back via the A46. It's longer but more calming than the M1 and the A52.

A gentleman was sitting at the edge of the field painting En Plein Air (see extra). The photo shows a genuine hay meadow with the grasses gently wafting in the breeze.

The trail was lined with reproductions of famous paintings and at intervals, huts that exhibited a well known painting from a famous artist such as Rembrandt or Turner or Monet projected on a glass screen. It's an outdoor art gallery.

It was very peaceful and we were able to let Basil off his lead on the grass for a while. It didn't even rain.

While there, I did ask about using the venue for an exhibition. I was told that the family are always seeking exhibition material and they will get in touch.

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