
By suehutton

The first of Len's sweet peas

I can't remember when he got the seeds but I was inclined to scoff because my attempt to grow sweet peas from seed three years ago failed utterly. Len's sweet peas are looking good. He attributes their success to all the rain we've been having.

At 1 pm, the heavens opened and we had heavy rain for half an hour with thunder and lightning. Basil retreated under chairs.

Then the sun came out and I was tempted to go out with Cecily and Basil. First, I wanted to try out Photoshop beta. I did get a picture out of it although I restricted the amount of information I gave to the AI. Even so, it wasn't perfect. It's frustrating.

Then it was time to take a photo of the sweet peas that smell gorgeous but you can't show scent in photos. While thus engaged, another heavy shower of rain fell and Len came home from tennis. It's brightening now, so I'm going to chance a trip out.

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