
By LadyFindhorn

Flaming June - Not yet.

I was fooled for all of 20 minutes into thinking flaming June had arrived as I made my way home through the Meadows after  handing a donation into the Bethany shop and paying a flying visit to daughter #2. I felt overdressed in the sun and  was looking forward to having my lunch outside on the patio. It turned out I was getting ahead of myself. The sun disappeared and it felt chilly again although for a change there was no wind but still only 13°.

While we had the sun the wildlife garden in the Meadows was looking lovely with its flowers and fruit trees. I was rather dubious about the project when it was started a few years ago but it’s been a success. I may one of the few people who remember the allotments that were in action there during WW2. I also have a feeling that there were washing lines up for the residents near the NE corner.

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