
By Marionb

A Promise...

..of a better day..and it was..a better day, that is. The sun actually shone for part of it. Wildlife emerged...a couple of Canada geese, a cormorant, hawks overhead... and the BEAVER! (extra - not a good photo but beavers are very good at avoiding cameras or silhouetting themselves against the light!  

Mr. Beaver lives in our back bay but every day, he leaves for places unknown; we assume he is going to work - perhaps in the bay next to us? Anyway, this morning he was on his usual morning route but he didn't seem to be very anxious to get to where he was going...He was swimming leisurely, enjoying a calm day with sunshine,  meandering around here and there, but when he detected my presence - it doesn't take much - he did the dive-with-tail-slap, warning his family that someone was in residence here at the cottage again, so to be beware; their freewheeling days were at an end - the summer was here - and soon the hordes of cottagers and fisher folk would descend! Drat! (or whatever a beaver would say if he could say anything) I feel his pain...I love it here before all the tourists and cottagers arrive...

It was SO good to see the sun and to take a few moments to lounge upon the dock; it is still cold, but sunshine helps....

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