Where to Begin?

So much to do, so little energy to do it! 

Wow..am I beat! Last night my sister and I just crashed shortly after getting home from the airport... and this morning, after a quick breakfast  put together from the survival food kit left in the fridge  by my friend and cat-sitter Elaine next door...(she always makes sure that when I get home from the cottage or a trip that I have cream for my coffee, bread, milk and eggs waiting for me), my sister left to visit her son who lives less than an hour's drive from here...and I began the overwhelming task of unpacking from the trip but also packing for the cottage ! I am hoping to to go north on Wednesday if I can manage it..Methinks I am being somewhat overly optimistic? 

I was anxious to see how my garden had done in my absence....but I didn't take the time to go out and check..just took this photo in order to have one to post for today's blip! Gardening was not the priority of the day but it would have to be before heading to the cottage and leaving it for another two weeks...It was already overgrown out there and not a flower to be seen... A visit to the garden centre to buy potting soil and some annuals will be necessary before I leave again!

So it was a day of unpacking , doing laundry and trying to make up to my cat Maggie for my long absence! When I first came in the door last night, she met me with a glare and some pretty nasty howls...oh, was she angry! But it didn't last...in the night, she slipped upstairs and onto my bed and stayed there the whole night..which she never does..She has had lots of attention today and is eating it up...I do believe I am forgiven..at least for now.

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