
By Marionb

Setting Sun...

The sun didn't show its face, but I caught some of its light at the end of the day! 

Another really cold day - 0nly 7degrees C! It was so cold, I had to light a fire - which is so much more work than at home where I just push a remote control button! Here it means gathering kindling and logs..but oh, it feels so good to have that heat! 

My brother came for a visit this afternoon; his cottage is not too far away; now that summer is here, this is the only place I see him in person! He moves up  from the city for the whole season, while my sister and I switch cottage time back and forth every two weeks; it's a bit of a nuisance for us, but when you own a cottage, it sure helps to have someone paying half the bills! 

I have attached some extras to remind myself of the day (the orchid one is for Knottman2 who loves wild orchids ..sorry, but  I wasn't here early enough this year to catch them in their glory..they are on their last legs now) 

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