
By carliewired

74 F/23 C

A trip downtown is
fraught with no end of problems -
detours everywhere!!!


I was up just after 5 looking out my living room windows at the sky. The trees along my deck were swaying in the wind. There was light in the east but it wasn't to last long.

At 6 I was on my way across town to Riverside Park, knowing there would be snaggles on the route. I parked near the Uji Friendship Garden to walk the Rivers Trail towards the bridge. 

The marmot family that inhabits the Celtic Stones were in evidence. I find them quite entertaining. I noticed the city has a new sign along this part of the trail. There are many cyclists who zoom through this route. I wonder if there have been complaints. 

I walked to the midpoint on the trail to get my panorama of the Thompson River and my mountains. The sky looks ominous. I wonder if there are some showers coming our way. 

I kept a close eye on the construction crews that were beginning to gather. They are working along the inside edge of the park near my parking spot.  I could see work vehicles starting to arrive before 7. So, I made a really quick stop by the rose garden to find some prize blooms before heading home. 

I arrived home just after 7 with breakfast in hand. I have a plumber arriving sometime this morning to do some fixes in my house. 

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