
By carliewired

81 F/ 27 C

Sometimes Mondays are
really difficult to face -
This is one of them


I really did not want to get up this morning. Coming home to my own bed after a weekend away, it was just too delicious. I forced myself out the door at 6:30 to drive off to McArthur Island Park. 

I encountered Canada geese and their offspring immediately. The goslings are looking like gangly teenagers. Some have their adult tail feathers but maintain their baby fluff. 

I did a quick walk around the Butterfly Garden with a view to the foot bridge. The perennials are coming on. The iris and the poppies are ending. The whole area has been well fertilized by the geese who wander through. 

I drove on to the south side to watch for marmots. Many young ones were scampering about there. I found a marmot in cottonwood fluff. It looked like it had trudged through a snowdrift. Several did that cute standup to look around. I noticed the wild roses along the edge. 

I picked up some breakfast on the way home. I need to arrange a haircut today, then I'm off to talk to the flooring store. 

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