The Pensioner

By Pensioner

Ardrishaig Arrival

I’m sure we were booked into the Crinan Canal for 8:45. The skipper phoned ahead and made our excuses - something to do with the previous day’s weather. Indeed. On the plus side, we were now going to transit with the adjoining boat and their crew of four - and they could help with the locks.
We rearranged our start time; the boat beside waited for us to go. Jimmie wanted tea; I said I’d make a cup under way. He looked harassed. The crew looked over as he dived below again. I looked apologetically at them. After rummaging in the forecabin he appeared …. with a sink plunger. Jimmie, I’ll do that. We’ve got to go!
Of course we went slower than we said - the other boat was patiently waiting for us when we arrived.
And who else was there to meet us but a woman with two dogs. Ardrishaig’s and blip’s very own Snapper.
After that it was plain sailing to the canal summit. And then the skipper rustled up the finest meal. Before promptly collapsing asleep in his bag leaving me to sit out sipping rum and reading my book, Fatal Passage.

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