The Pensioner

By Pensioner


Up at 6:45 and whisked away through west by that Jimmie. Well in time to get away for 10am. Minor things to do like tie on the dodgers and put in sail battens. But then we tied the sail down again. Six ties. And the sail cover. I have a feeling that I’ll not be seeing the sail again today. Especially as it has no reefing lines and it’s blowing a hoolie. We finally got away at 11am. Well, another cup of tea is always welcome. If you like prevarication. Ahem.
And after a long day’s sailing we arrived at Portavadie at 20:30. Ok, that’s only 20nm but we went the "scenic" route to avoid the worst of the biffing which came to 35nm. Don’t ask me, I’m just First Mate. Still, we got their outstandingly good fish and chips, and hot showers. Onward to the isles!

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