The Pensioner

By Pensioner

Scenic.. scene

A fine morning for dropping down the five locks at Dunadry and then pottering on to Crinan. No great rush as we’ve decided we’ll delay departure. I even treated everyone to a coffee at Bell’s caravan - thanks Snapper for the recommendation. Photo opportunity. You’d think we were sailing to Iceland, not along the canal.
In the morning we’d met an old sea dog with a roguish demeanour, Bill, out swimming with a local grey haired siren and I bumped into him again at the chandlers after we were tied up. Of course we fell into step and he invited me to the cafe to share a pot of tea, kind fellah. There we did sit and bond over life, loves and marine diesel heaters.
Back to the boat and over to Tiki to chat at 6pm. They’re all east coast sailors from Fisherrow. Ok, let’s be honest, they sail out of Fisherrow, and are actually GPs from Portobello. Nice to compare Rums. Who knew Seychelles produced that stuff?

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