Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


Hello Lovely Blippers,

I wonder if you can guess by where we all are, what day it is today, apart from Silly Saturday?  

We heard Mrs. HCB say that it she wanted to change the bed, but Mr. HCB said he needed to do it, so while they were having their showers, we decided to celebrate two things.  

One was the return of David the Dog and you can see him on top of the shaped pillow with Godfrey the Goat - we think he looks much better now he has had a bath!  

The other thing we forgot to celebrate because we were on holiday was Oreo’s birthday, so we quickly found some Oreos in the cupboard in the kitchen and also some Bourneville Giant Dark Chocolate Buttons, so we were all ready to have a little party.  

However, Mrs. HCB heard us and came in from the bathroom in her pink robe and said we had better not get any chocolate on her new duvet cover - ah well, it was worth a try!  Perhaps we can eat the goodies later downstairs, once the bed has been changed.  We think that Admirer would have giggled to see us and we also think she would have thought it was silly to have biscuits and chocolate in bed!

Before we go and eat our goodies, just to remind you to BE KIND, because you never know what someone is going through and we all feel better if someone is kind to us, don’t we?

Love to you all from the HCBs and the Silly Saturday Gang xxx

P.S.  We have heard from part of the Gang who are in Australia that they are having a great time and are planning on staying longer - we did say we would miss them, but that means more biscuits and chocolates for us!! Yummy!

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