Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


We had a wonderful time at Church today when, after a great time of worship, Matt, the brother of one of our members, spoke. Matt’s message from Acts Chapter 2 reminded us that we are in a race, much like a relay race, where the baton is passed on from one person or generation to another - he did say that he realised we probably weren’t all runners - how right he was!  I am definitely not a runner, but got the gist of what he was saying.

Something he said towards the end of his sermon really spoke to me:

“We need to be careful how we run the race especially for those who follow after would be so easy to slow down to a bit of a jog, just turn up on Sunday, sing some nice songs, have a cup of coffee and go home but it’s far more than that.  We need to ready ourselves and them (the children in our fellowship) for what is to come, so that when our race is done and we come before the Lord we know we were trustworthy and faithful servants.  That we didn’t just know God’s Word but we believed it, we used it and we lived it day by day - and we loved others around and we shared the Good News of Jesus.”

In other words, we need to “walk the talk” - and as Christians, both Mr. HCB and I try to do this each day - wherever we find ourselves.  You might be interested to know I am still giving out little hearts to bless those I meet too.  

I realise that some of you may not be believers, but I hope you will enjoy seeing some of the banners in our Church, two of which were from texts used by Matt.  

I liked the shot I took of young Z, our friend who was “playing trains” with Mr. HCB last week but who, this week, was “playing the drums” and really enjoyed himself.  The last shot in the collage is of one of the new music stand falls, but I still don’t know who made these - but they look great - so thank you to the clever person who stitched them so beautifully. 

Have a great week, whatever you are planning to do.  M xx 

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