Hello Lovely Blippers,

We know it’s not Silly Saturday, which is why not all the Silly Saturday Gang is here - in fact, as you can see, it is only Vincent, Leighton and me, JH Ted.  

We were listening when the HCBs were chatting yesterday and heard Mr. HCB say he had an appointment to go into Leightons to have his hearing tested - Mrs. HCB said she was glad about that, as he often has “selective hearing”!  Of course, Mr. HCB disagreed, which he would, but we thought it would be a good opportunity to go and see all the lovely people at Leightons.  

However, if we all went, there would be 22 of us to try and fit on their shelves and try on glasses etc, so we drew lots - and the three of us won - well, Leighton had to go anyway, because he is named after this lovely branch in Swindon so here we are, sitting on one of the shelves whilst Mr. HCB was down the corridor with Adam, doing whatever needed to be done to his ears.  In the event, Adam said Mr. HCB had too much wax in his ears to do a proper hearing test, so he has to go back in a couple of weeks and have that removed and then Adam will “do his stuff” whatever that might be!  Perhaps we should go and watch, just in case we ever need to have anything done to our ears!

Meanwhile, we chatted to the lovely girls - well not really girls, but they vary in age, so that seems the best way to describe them - and although Wendy was there when we first went in, she soon disappeared - I reckon she might have gone to have a crafty coffee and biscuits - which left Lauren to sort us all out with some frames.  

We said that as it was sunny, perhaps we needed to try on some “shades” so she very kindly found some blue tinted ones for Leighton, to go with his blue outfit.  We have all told him that it’s now summer, so he doesn’t need to wear his scarf and hat, but that doesn’t seem to make any difference.  Lauren also found him one of those “thingies” that you hang glasses on that goes round your neck - in a bright blue colour, so he was well chuffed.  She also found some shades for Vincent, who you will notice is still wearing his red duffel coat, and another “thingy” but all the shades were too big for me, so she kindly found some kiddy frames for me and a lovely “thingy” that matched my jumper.  Sadly, Kate, the Manager wasn't there, but we think she may be away on holiday or somewhere else!

We were well taken care of and were sad when we had to leave, but Mr. HCB has to go back on the 19th June - after the cricket has finished for June, so perhaps some of the others will be able to have a Day Trip to Leightons.  

Afterwards, Mr. HCB kindly took Mrs. HCB to Jack’s to have a coffee and then they went to Blaylocks to buy her some new slippers - but I’m sure those will be blipped another day.  All in all a good morning so we hope you have all had a good day - it has been very sunny here, so we hope you have enjoyed the sunshine too.

Love from J H Ted, Leighton and Vincent xxx

P.S.  We certainly don’t have this phobia and nor do the HCBs!

An extreme fear of eyes. Like other phobias, this type of fear can be strong enough to interfere with your daily routine and social activities, while also being considered irrational because of the lack of any “real” danger.

P.P.S.  Like many others, and because we haven’t had any rain for sometime, the HCBs are saving water in a bucket outside their back door - when they got home, if you look in extras, you will see what they found in the bucket!

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