Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

The 90th birthday party

In fact my aunt's birthday isn't until tomorrow, but who goes to parties on a Monday?

So I caught the train to Basingstoke when Little Sis picked me up and took me to Longworth in Oxfordshire.  What a jammy place.  The party was held in a wonderful old barn with a bar at one end.  A brilliant crew of caterers gave us a sit down lunch.

This is my aunt (centre), looking very old.  As you can see, the light was fun but a challenge.  I didn't want to wave a long lens about (the sensitivities, you know) so only had the standard lens and kept well out of people's faces.  The consequence is that I've turned out a bit of a JamesRavilious type shot, but possibly it's none the worse for that.

It was lovely catching up with a lot of the cousins and people I hadn't seen for years.  Now, though, I have to confess I'm pretty tired, so I won't waffle on.  Enjoy the start of your week  xx

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