Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Viper's Bugloss

 Echium vulgare

The day began beautifully so I walked up to the butterfly reserve hoping to get there very early.  However, the sun went pretty fast, so instead of butterflies I brought home a shot of this - viper's bugloss.  It's another wildflower that was new to me last year so I'm very pleased to have a second image of it in my journal.

A bit later in the morning I had a phonecall with the doctor, then went to the camera shop for a bit of a discussion about the plethora of options offered by the new camera's menu - honestly, far too many, I'll never use a tenth of them, which would be fine except you knock the settings off-kilter at your peril!

This afternoon I have:
- lost my son (as in misplaced!)
- annoyed my daughter
- got cross with the barking dogs
and generally made myself super-popular ;))

Enjoy the rest of your day/evening  xx

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