Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Corncockle and friend

Agrostemma githago

I had a beautiful early meander along the edge of the marshes.  I was looking for birds and butterflies primarily.  There were none visible, but instead on view were lots of newly-opened wildflowers and clouds of damselflies of various kinds - so many it felt they'd all just hatched to decorate my walk.

In recent years corncockles have grown in profusion along the path. I think they originated from one packet of wildflower seed that someone scattered, but they've taken the place as their own.  Not sure what the fly was up to but he clearly felt like joining the party.

That reminds me, I should say that at midnight tonight WFW24_09 will close and we roll over to WFW24_10.  I can't believe the challenge is about to enter its tenth week already - mind you, we are now in June and that too seems to have arrived rather suddenly..

Hope your weekend's going well - and enjoy the rest of it  xx

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