
By tridral

Cylch llawn

Cylch llawn ~ Full circle

“A good picture is born from a state of grace. Grace becomes manifest when one is freed from conventions, free as a child in his first discovery of reality. The game is then to organize the triangle.”
― Sergio Larrain

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Dechreuon ni'r mis gyda symud yr hen babell oddi ar y concrit fel rhan o symud i'r cwt newydd ar ben yr ardd. Heddiw penderfynon ni ddefnyddio'r sylfaen gylchol rwber o'r babell fel to’r strwythur newydd, tu ôl i'r cwt

Mae'r gwaith wedi bod ysbrydoliaeth a fyrfyfyr, yn defnyddio beth bynnag rydyn ni wedi cael ar gael. Felly mae'n ymddangos yn addas rydyn ni'n defnyddio'r sylfaen gylchol rwber fel rhan o'r strwythur.

Rydyn ni wedi dod cylch llawn.

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We started the month with moving the old tent off the concrete as part of moving to the new hut at the top of the garden. Today we decided to use the circular rubber base from the tent as the roof of the new structure, behind the hut

The work has been inspiration and improvisation, using whatever we have available. So it seems fitting that we use the rubber circular base as part of the structure.

We've come full circle.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Sylfaen pabell rwber a ddefnyddir fel to
Description (English):  Rubber tent base used as a roof

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