
By tridral

Awyrgylch heddychlon

Awyrgylch heddychlon~ Peaceful atmosphere

“1. Don’t drop your camera. / 2. Make sure the film winds. / 3. Avoid graveyards, campus arches, the Manhattan skyline from New Jersey. 4. Don’t put the “subject in the middle of the frame every time. / 5. Remember to look through the camera. Consider what it includes and eliminates, how the frame informs the picture from the edges to the center. / 6. Photograph something you love, hate, are intrigued by, that infuriates you . . . and watch how light illuminates and transforms it. / 7. Don’t photograph everything from eye level. Move your feet, bend your knees, climb up on things, lie on the ground, walk in closer and observe. / 8. Circle your subject while looking through the camera; watch how the background and light change. / 9. Photograph at different times of the day and night-not only in your room, house, or dorm, but also in places that are unfamiliar to you. 10. Read John Szarkowski’s The Photographer's Eye.”
― Lois Conner, (Rules for Students in Introduction to Photography, quoted in The Photographer's Playbook, p59)

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Awyrgylch heddychlon

Es i i'r pentref heddiw - roedd rhaid i mi wneud tipyn bach o siopa. Ar ôl y gwaith ar ben yr ardd roedd e'n dda i wneud rhywbeth llai egnïol. Er dwedais i fy mod i wedi gorffen gydag adeiladu to, cefais fy nhemtio, mewn un o'r siopau, gan darpolin enfawr, a allai fod yn well na sylfaen yr hen babell. Gawn ni weld.

Eisteddais i yn y fynwent am sbel, es i i weld fy hoff gerflun, yr angel gorwedd. Mae awyrgylch heddychlon yn y fynwent, gwell, dwi'n credu, am beidio torri'r gwair a blodau. Rhywsut mae'r lle yn teimlo’n fwy naturiol.

Wel dyna oedd mis Mai, mis brysur iawn. Cawn weld beth ddaw mis Mehefin.

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I went to the village today - I had to do a bit of shopping. After the work at the top of the garden it was good to do something less strenuous. Although I said I had finished building a roof, I was tempted, in one of the shops, by a huge tarpaulin, which could be better than the base of the old tent. We'll see.

I sat in the cemetery for a while, I went to see my favourite statue, the reclining angel. There is a peaceful atmosphere in the cemetery, better, I believe, for not cutting the grass and flowers. Somehow the place feels more natural.

Well that was the month of May, a very busy month. We'll see what June brings.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Yr angel gorwedd.
Description (English): The reclining angel

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