
By carliewired

67 F/ 19 C

 Sunshine with goslings
is a most delightful bit
of entertainment


At 5:30 AM I determined there would be a sunny and dry morning, so I scrambled to get myself out the door and on my way to McArthur Island Park. 

I arrived on the north side of the park in time to see the Canada geese moving their little broods over the playing fields and across the drive to the slough. Both parents guard the young carefully. One will stand like a sentinel while the other steers the goslings. They are wonderful to watch, especially as they glide along on the water. 

I walked across the foot bridge to get a shot of my mountains. The slough has beautiful reflections this morning. 

I caught my favourite, the wood duck, moving through the slough. No sign of the mama wood duck though. 

My surprise this morning was finding a beaver cruising through the slough. It's my first siting of a beaver this year. 

I have the flooring company coming to give me an estimate today. It will keep me at home. 

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