
By carliewired

72 F/ 22 C

Sunshine and blue sky
to start our day - but we should
get more rain this week


I headed off towards the airport at 6 with a grocery list in my pocket. I pushed the bins out to the street for collection before I left. 

I found a freight train across the road where I usually cross, so I continued on to the next street. There, I got my first shot of my mountains from the railway crossing. 

I drove to Vantage Point near the airport as it's close to my grocery store. The light was really beautiful this morning. Reflections from the sun on the dock's walkway were glaring in the water. 

I crossed paths with dog walkers this morning, but no one was talking. I didn't even get a 'hello'. Everyone must be deep in thought. 

The float planes are still sitting just inside the airport fence. I would have expected them to be gone by now. 

The trees along the river were populated by a number of crows. They seem to be taking great delight in annoying each other as they bopped in and out of the trees. 

My surprise was finding a marmot along the river's edge. It popped up and froze while it regarded me carefully. It's the first time I've seen a marmot in this area. The river bank has been fortified with riprap so it must be difficult to burrow here. 

I picked up my groceries and some breakfast on the way home. I'm in for the day. I have a recipe for goulash that I'd like to try. 

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