
By carliewired

60 F/ 16 C

I almost had an 
eagle this morning - but he 
flew off to the north


I left the house just before 6 to drive over the bridge to Mission Flats along the south shore. As usual, I was hoping to find an eagle. 

I stopped near the railway crossing to get my 'sunrise' photo with my mountains. It's cloudy and a little chilly this morning. The sky looks brooding. 

I drove further along Mission Flats Road to get views looking across the river. Homes in this stretch have docks/piers on the river. I looked to the airport tower and to the end of the river looking west. 

I spied an eagle perched in the usual tree, then drove on to find a place to turn around. I parked, then approached with my camera ready. Just as I got focused a big truck roared past startling me and the eagle. It soared over the river leaving me with a just a shot of its tail feathers! 

I drove on to the turnaround at the end of the road. I really stretched my telephoto to catch the osprey on a pole. Unfortunately, I cannot get any closer as its in a secured area. 

I'm in for the day. I'm sure I can find some jobs to do without looking too hard. 

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