An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Dinner decisions...

Today has been a lazy day.  Three days in a row of socialising has caught up with me :-)

Spent a little while in the afternoon in the studio working on another watercolour seascape.  Not sure it's turning out quite how I expected but unpredictability is the joy of watercolour, so it's all good :-)

For dinner I planned to make crispy sesame chicken from Nicky Corbishley's fab book but then D reminded me that I'd promised to make Empire Biscuits for the singing group he's a member of, for their final rehearsal before their summer near tomorrow night.  The time has come where I really must write everything on the calendar in order to remember!  

D offered to make dinner (a simpler affair but still tasty :-) and I made the Empire Biscuits.  They'll get their jam and icing tomorrow morning. 

Now it's time for feet up :-)

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