
By Marionb

Late to the Party...

..but here at last!...My first Siberian Iris has arrived! Hopefully the others will soon follow.. Another day comes to a close..and I almost did not have a blip! (A big thank you to the iris for showing up ) 

I have been in and out to the garden all day..I have to do things in little bits with, of course, many breaks for reading, doing the crossword, chatting on the phone, eating or napping..or, as it is Sunday, enjoying an afternoon visit with my neighbour Elaine. (it is our Sunday ritual). 

I am still working on my overly-ambitious potting project. The hose is all hooked up now so that helps (!) and I have all the ingredients needed for my first round of planting...and still do..have them, that I am not finished. I, at least, have made some progress..the geraniums are now in the front porch urns, a couple of dianthus are in the ground, and the parsley, rosemary and basil are in pots at last..with only three  lavender plants, a new hydrangea, six more dianthus and a coneflower waiting their turn. 

Then will begin the second round of planting...carefully selecting some specific plants to fill some glaring holes, especially those left by the demise of those two trees and shrubs. The big question...Should one really plant something where something else died? The Japanese Maple after its second year, died in the same place where its predecessor the White Birch died...after its second year...hmmmm.. That does not seem to bode well for whatever comes next....and no plants are jumping up to volunteer.. I may need advice from the local garden centre folks, so there's an outing for this week.. 

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