
By Marionb

For the Birds...

The good thing about my woodsy, not-so-organized and overgrown garden is that the birds love it!  And I love them; they are a big part of my day. Weather permitting, I sit out on the deck in the morning and again in the early evening watching them for entertainment and of course for blips; I also keep an eye out for them through the kitchen window while washing dishes or standing by the sink..and have often spotted something of interest that makes me run for my camera.. but usually too late... Tonight it was Mr. Raccoon under one of the feeders scaring away the doves; the other day it was an oriole that swooped by the window... but photos.. Then every spring, there are the sparrows who move into the birdhouse to raise a family.. All this for a few bird-feeders and some bags of birdseed...Definitely, a worthwhile investment!   

Recently I have been thinking of adding a birdbath...which would be rather frivolous as my neighbour has a pond right behind the fence so the birds are not without a bath tub and drinking fountain...I got rid of the birdbath I had years ago as standing water meant more mosquitoes, but now I see that you can get little solar fountains that keep the water moving, so I am re-thinking it...It will mean one more job to do though, cleaning it and keeping it full of water...but it would be fun to watch the action...

I have a tall planter that I have not yet decided what should go into it this year; so as an experiment, I have made it into a very makeshift, temporary birdbath to see if the birds are the least bit interested or whether they prefer the more glamorous water feature on the other side of the fence....( collage) I will give them a few days to show me if it would be worthwhile...

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