
By ZE1Christie

Julie's 5?th Birthday

A beautiful sunny morning, then clouded over with showers.  Chilly and breezy most of the day.  

Up at 5am, another early shift in the airport.  A heli check-in first thing, then meeting and boarding flights.  A busy day catching up after yesterday, and all flights on time.  Popped by Laura's on my way home.  Walkies with Sammy, we managed to stay dry.  Off out with friends for a meal and a few drams, but working tomorrow, sensible night for me.

A big day for Julie today, it's her big 50th birthday.  She's had a great day with various friends, and now off out tonight.  A lovely meal in the Gurkha Kitchen, followed by drams at the pub.  Will they break out in karaoke soon? At back L-R - Megan, Beth, Janine and Jenna. At front - Nicole, Julie and Agi.  Taken in the Gurkha Kitchen, North Road, Lerwick.  

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