Surveying Her Kingdom

The bird on her chest is a sticker on the kitchen door through which John took this picture. Last year she walked around the house looking in at all the doors. So far this year she has confined herself to the kitchen end of the house where she also finds easy access to Spike's water bowl and lots of bird seed. We often see up to a dozen turkeys crossing the front lawn but this one is the only one who makes the trip over our fence into the back. A mate may show up eventually but she doesn't seem overly concerned....

It was foggy and cold this morning and particularly difficult to get out of bed. I sat in on John doing Pilates on the floor* and vowed to work on getting down on the floor myself and, more importantly, up again this week so I can join them again soon. My other goal is to start driving again. 

In the meantime, John was a full time chauffeur today, taking me for a very relaxing facial where Gail worked successfully to get a painful knot out of my neck/shoulder. I thought it was worrking backwards to have the relaxation before the Pain and Torture session, but by the time I got there, the knee was feeling pretty loose and the flexion/extension work  if not pain-free, was at least quite a bit less painful. Progress! I have reached the goal for flexion but still have a way to go to reach full extension at which point we will start working on balance.

I was in a much better mood by the time I got out of there. John and Spike went for a walk by Spring Lake and were there waiting when I finished.

I have been threatening for a couple of weeks to call the Merry Maids to come and deep clean the house which is tidy, but not clean. A couple of weeks lying on my back has revealed serious cobwebs all over the ceilings and who knows what is under the furniture since I haven't been down there for weeks. I was surprised, therefore, when our former cleaner, who quit during Covid because I encouraged her to get vaccinated and she didn't want to, called to see if we wanted her to come back. I didn't have to think about it for long before saying yes. Her house burned down in the Glass fire, the one that came very close to us. She said she was under a lot of stress and had to cut back. Her house is rebuilt now and she says she needs the work. She is the best cleaner we've ever had and not afraid to take on the deep cleaning. In fact, I think she rather enjoys the challenge. I told her we were all under a lot of stress back then, and she doubly so , and we would be happy to have her come back. So a happy ending to that story, and the day ending on a positive note....

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