
By Wildwood


There's definitely something metaphorical about the raven contemplating the rainbow from a strange, misshapen snag,  and the mysterious black house on the hill behind it, but I'm not going to try and analyse it.  I doubt that there's a pot of gold in the fortress house where it appears to end, although they did just install solar panels on the roof.

I have added another picture that Dana sent me from Guanajuato, Mexico because it fits the challenge so well. It's in extras since I didn't take it and it wasn't taken today.

Our friend David dropped by this afternoon, and since he is the one who switched the positions of the washer and dryer for us, I asked him if he could shed any light on what is wrong with the washer, still full of water.
He couldn't even turn it on. It seems to be completely dead. As a result, we have decided to go out and buy a new washer tomorrow. 

David also told us that he saw a story about just such a scam as we fell for on a local TV news station, and that the victim of that story was out $5,000!  A wise friend of mine, one who devotes much of her life to setting up women's healthcare clinics and birthing centers in third world countries (should I even use that term now since we are rapidly becoming one?) told me many years ago, after somebody broke a window in my car and made off with my purse, that as the income gap got wider more and more people were going to start feeling entitled to go out and help themselves however they could.  That was before the internet, which has facilitated their efforts.

I finally got back to my Pilates class which I haven't been to for a month because of Covid, and it really felt good to get back to it again. I also dropped my watch off at a jeweler around the corner where I take it when the battery dies. They always keep it for awhile to clean it and 'seal' it, whatever that means. It's an old fashioned watch with an hour hand, a minute hand and arabic numbers. It doesn't do anything but tell me what time it is. I feel it might be becoming an antique, like me, so it's worth paying a little extra for care and maintenance.

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