She's Baaack!

I'm not sure if this is the same lone turkey who visits us every year, but it seems likely. I caught her through the porch railing as she foraged under the bird feeders but I've seen her getting a drink from Spike's dish right next to the back door. 

I wrote a whole rather whiney entry and then managed to delete it all. It's probably just as well since I 'm not going to try to repeat it. Went to Kathy's like a zombie after not enough sleep and she gave me a slightly elasticised sleeve to put on my knee at night to see it it helps. 

Dense pea soup fog gave way to a beautiful sunny day and I enjoyed my lunch out on the porch with Spike. 

I'm cooking dinner for the first time...corned beef and cabbage a day late. it's a pretty easy meal except for peeling the small, rather gnarly looking potatoes I dug out of the drawer. 

Now that sundown is an hour later we may still be able to sit outside for awhile before dinner. I would ordinarily enjoy a glass of wine at the same time  but so far I've had very little interest. How can this be? I'm not taking any drugs now but it may just take awhile for everything to get out of my system.

Tomorrow is another day...a nice relaxing facial with Gail followed by a session of pain and torture. Too bad it's not the other way round....

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