Rock Walls

These rock walls and the garage/storage shed are the only things remaining of the house that once stood next door to us. The woman who lived there has elected not to rebuild so this is all that remains of the house that belonged to our neighbor, Dorrie, before the Glass fire. On the night of the fire she was the last person to call me and warn me that the fire was getting close. Her elderly mother lived with her in the house she grew up in, but she decided that her priority was her mother, not rebuilding the house. She was quite a gardener and the African daisies  she must have planted bloom beautifully every year despite lack of care.

Because of all the rain, we have a very healthy crop of grass this year. It will have to be mowed after it turns dry and becomes a fire hazard

There is a big rock known as Gunsite Rock on top of Hood Mountain, visible in the background behind the structure. It looks quite pretty down in the swale at this time of year with big lime green euphorbias, stands of calla lilies and the abundant grass....Dorrie has it mowed every year and has been good about having the many burned trees on the property taken out. 

I had a really bad night last night and decamped to the guest bedroom to thrash around looking for a comfortable way to sleep. I wish I knew what caused my body to protest so as soon as I go to sleep. Nobody else seems to know either. They nod and say it is quite common, but have very little to offer in terms of mitigating it. It does seem to be worse after physical therapy where it gets quite the workout. 

As a result, I didn't get behind the wheel of my car today to see how it feels to drive,  but I did get down on the floor to do my exercises and get back up again. I didn't exactly rise like Aphrodite coming out of her sea shell, but I got it done without kneeling on the new knee. A friend who had a TKR 10 years ago said she was told never to kneel but I wonder if things have changed since then. Nobody has said anything to me about it. I still have my own knee cap.

A package left on the doorstep today revealed a pair of Peloton shoes, precursor to the bike which will be delivered next Tuesday. Now we have to figure out how to get the old bike out of the house and what to do with it after that....

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