Resurrection Gate

After an early morning run, the food shop and our usual Sunday pint at The Horseshoes we decided on a quick detour to the nearby village of Hunton.
The village's first recorded name was Huntindone in the 11th Centrury, its name coming from Old English with hunta meaning 'huntsman' and dun meaning 'hill' - Hill of the Huntsman. The parish was frequently referred to in ancient deeds as Huntington. The name change to Hunton suggests tun meaning village.
It must only be a couple of miles from a busy road but it feels like you're in another world with its wide open green spaces, very rural feeling setting and utter quietness apart from the odd passing car.
Today's image is of the lychgate - or resurrection gate - a covered gateway found at the entrance to the village's church, St Mary The Virgin, which began construction in the late 11th or early 12th Century and is now Grade 1 listed. It's a lovely church in beautiful surroundings and I just loved the view through the gate and the way the light was casting the shadows into the graveyard beyond.
I'm not religious at all but as I've got older I've found that churches feel like such places of calm, solace, peace and tranquility especially if you're feeling troubled, stressed or worried.

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