A Whole Lot Of Bull

We headed out on another local photographic safari this afternoon after it had pelted it down with rain yet again for most of the morning. The heavy clouds had dissipated, the sun was out and there was even a hint of blue in the sky so off we set - we'd managed to get down to the village, around part of our local recreation ground searching for an image and were on the way back home when, of course (we should have known better), the heavens opened yet again and we got absolutely drenched.
Today's shot is of our local rugby club's (the Aylesford Bulls) new improved sign which has just been erected on the approach to their ground, which I spotted as the rain finally began to abate once more. I didn't want to take a straight on shot so I crouched down to get this angle so that it would fill the frame with it's looming and somewhat  menacing presence - you could say it's a whole lot of bull! :-)

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