Place: Largo, FL 49/67
Main activity: Fri - errands, pool
Notes: Woke 430a again and couldn't go back to sleep until much later. When I did get up, I packed more until 9a, talked w/ Wayne outside for a bit and then headed to thrift store (donated and bought a couple things), hit the ATM and then mailed Mic a small pkg. Back and had my coffee, online looking at rentals for awhile and then went over to the empty pool for a bit - sun kind of warm but wind chilly when it kicked up. Shower and online for awhile and then made the raw tomato sauce (adjusted version) and put together a pizza w/ the last Banza crust. 330p decided to do a meditation and got up at 5p. Talked to Nancy a bit in the evening after we were texting and she called. Just watched some Netflix then to kill the evening hours - finished Boy Swallows Universe, was ok.

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