Place: Largo, FL 46/72
Main activity: Sat - around the house
Notes: Woke early and put more coco oil/lavender on the raging armpits (how many yrs I've dealt with this!) and then had the realization that it was like I was being burned - think it could be a past-life trauma ...did a meditation and went back to sleep, very groggy getting up. Had coffee and online a bit, feeling pretty out of it and somewhat low. Did a bit around the house and then felt so tired and laid down for a bit (did another meditation - this one brought in a dream w/ it), and felt even more out of it when I got up. Ate around 130p, just warmed some leftover beef roast and carrots from the freezer and had a bit of sauerkraut w/ avo & pumpkin seeds and a small bowl of cereal (still trying to use up this milk I bought for the kefir but then couldn't use - ultra-pasteurized will kill the grains apparently). I stepped outside briefly to take the garbage out (pic taken from the viewpoint of dumpster walking back). Pretty awful-feeling day overall.

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