Place: Largo, FL 48/65
Main activity: Thurs - St Pete
Notes: Woke ~3a and couldn't go back to sleep. Finally up just after 7a, quick shower and got ready to go meet Carlene. Left just after 8a, checked Earth Origins again and then met her again at Craft Kafe and we chatted for a lovely hour. From there, headed to St Pete Beach to see an apt on the bay - very nice but really only one room w/ a small kitchen and decent bathroom. I don't know how to fit in that! Went to Nancy's from there all the way across town and north and then we went near her place to see an above garage place with an extra 30 sq feet - some cool things about it but will not work! No bedroom or place for a queen bed, kitchen was abysmal (shown is the outside of the place) - but great wood floors, tub, w/d in garage below. Back and had coffee then shower and needed to rest from 2-3p. Quiet rest of the day.

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