Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


We had a special UBER drive to the airport this morning at 10am (JR managed to go to the gym first). The driver, originally from Shanghai (lived in Sydney for 30 years, but sounded like he'd just arrived) was very proud of his brand spanking new hybrid car (made in China). He was wearing white gloves, and kept pointing out all the special things about it - he's just had it a week.

An easy checkin, and Gill got us into the Business Class Lounge with her. Though I forgot my (rather expensive) Brizzy umbrella, which they took off me at security (dangerous things). JR went back for it, and was away for ages. But they'd already passed it down to Lost Property in the bowels of the airport!

The plane - I should have known - was very cool FREEZING COLD! I was just in my warm weather Sydney short sleeved shirt. Luckily I had my new Grayson Perry scarf handy, which I had to drape around me the picture of elegance. Jings! I can never get used to this over-enthusiastic Aussie air con!

My BBC weather app declared it to be 23° in Adelaide. NOT TRUE! It was 16° in the taxi to town. I do hope the weather app is not wrong for the rest of the week, as it's sunshine and warm weather all the way, because a very exciting few days are planned...

So today's photos are a few random ones: Gill helping herself to the free Licorice Allsorts in the Business Class Lounge at the airport; cowboy hats are IN; me not doing justice to Grayson Perry's lovely scarf, one of the many excellent statues dotted around the city centre.

6,001 steps!

EXTRA: Elizabeth sent a photo of a tree down in the Links!

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