Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Glorious day - much warmer not quite so cold!

Did my exercises this morning, then went into town, intending to go to the ‘Turner in January’ exhibition, but decided not to go on a sunny day, but save it for a wet day. Besides, I had run out of time. The professional shoppers, (ie JR and Hazel) were going to walk into town with Archie to try and buy new trainers in the Gucci shop. And JR has had her eyes on a Gucci bag for quite a long time… Dogs are allowed in the shop, and so I was to meet them all there. 

Yes, shoes and a bag were purchased. Archie was very patient. So was I, in fact. The young lady serving was most taken with Archie, who was very well behaved. Though he had to be carried from the Gucci shop about five steps through the Harvey Nicks shop to the exit. HN do not allow dogs! There was a man standing there to enforce such rules.

I then took Archie home, as the purchase seemed to be taking a long time, and anyway, the girls had in mind to go for a drink at the new Gleneagles Townhouse (Hazel’s current favourite) and dogs are not allowed in there.

Archie and I got the bus home, and I was just settled down with a coffee and biscuit, when the message came to meet the shoppers at the local new, cafe/wine shop Toast. So somewhat reluctantly, it must be said, I took off my slippers, put my shoes on, and we dandered down the road.

Actually, it was quite busy and I shared a table with a young woman and we got talking. She was a playwright! and was working on a play on her laptop. I’ve never met a playwright before!

We could give them a few ideas on how to make their cafe/wine shop better, much better, but can’t fault the music - low, slow, jazz. CAN fault the seating though. High stools! With no back on them! NOT good.

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