Ruby Crowned Kinglet

We survived the storm with only a few broken tree branches. Hubby went out early and picked up as many as he could. One picket on our garden fence was broken but he can repair it. Probably everyone in our county has standing water but that’s not a terrible issue for us. It was still windy today but not as bad as last night. Kristen lost some shingles on her gazebo and as usual, my sister had the most damage to her roof, pier, yard and beach. We have a new bird this winter. I think it is a ruby-crowned kinglet. It was hard to get a decent shot with the wind but I want to document that it is here. Will just have to settle for a blurry photo. It didn’t stay long enough for me to get more than one shot. We boxed up all of our Christmas decorations, paper products, linens, etc. Tomorrow, we will arrange everything in the attic and that job will be behind us for a year. Hubby took Millie in for vaccines this afternoon. She is at least maintaining her current weight although she eats 3-3.5 cans of her soft food daily. It would be good for her to gain a few pounds; she is skin and bones. We are having spaghetti and salad for dinner. It is all ready except for cooking the noodles. Hoping your day has been peaceful. Thanks for your visits, stars and nice comments lately. Stay safe.
Ruby-Crowned Kinglet
“Little boaster, vagrant king,
Neither north nor south is yours,
You've no kingdom that endures!
Wandering every fall and spring,
With your ruby crown so slender,
Are you only a Pretender,
Landless king?
Never king by right divine
Ruled a richer realm than mine!
What are lands and golden crowns,
Armies, fortresses and towns,
Jewels, sceptres, robes and rings,-
What are these to song and wings?
Everywhere that I can fly,
There I own the earth and sky;
Everywhere that I can sing,
There I'm happy as a king.” - Henry Van Dyke

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